Other Groups and Researchers
- Arts Technology Group at NYU, USA
Philip Galanter: Internet2 arts technical notes (events since 1999)
John Gilbert: Gilbert's workshop
- CCRMA's Soundwire Group, Stanford University, USA
Chris Chafe: example recordings of low-latency network audio experiments
- CIM: Shared Reality Lab at McGill University, Canada
Jeremy Cooperstock: real-time networked media
- CMT, Center for Music Technology at the Sibelius Academy, Finland
Shinji Kanki - net composition project
"Mélange à trois" Blue-Version III (Sep 24, 1998)
- CNMAT and CS at UC Berkeley, USA
CS: John Lazarro and John Wawrzynek: Network Musical Performance
CNMAT: Open Sound Control: protocol for communication among computers, synthesizers, and multimedia devices, optimized for networking technology
- Department of Telematics at NTNU, Norwegian U. of Science and Technology
Leif Arne Rønningen: distributed multimedia plays
- Don Ritter: networked performance installations (since 1994)
- Eve Schooler: Haydn Trio, DARPA demo (1991)
- Inst for Operating Systems and Computer Networks at TU Braunschweig, Germany
Xiaoyang Gu, Lars Wolf: Network-centric Music Performance
- Scot Gresham-Lancaster: chronology of Scot's Internet performances (since 1993)
- Sound Lab @ Princeton, USA
The Gigapop Ritual: networked live performance for electronic instruments (Princeton-McGill, 2003)
- TransJam: a Java-based server for playing together over the Internet
Auracle by Max Neuhaus: voice-driven collaborative instrument over the web
Eternal Music by Chris Brown and John Bischoff: jamming for up to four players
- University of Leeds (UK)
Kia Ng - interactive music and dance (gesture recognition)
Sita Popat - distributed collaborative dance choreography
Networked Performance Technology
- Nicolas Bouillot: auditory consistency in distributed music performance
- Roger Dannenberg: interactive performance system software architecture issues
- Masataka Goto: distributed cooperative system for MIDI instruments
- Yoichi Nagashima: a performing/composing system for networked improvisations
- Fred Miller: proposal for a synchronous Internet performance learning environment
- Michael Welzl: diploma thesis (German) on networked musical information management, 2003 wedelmusic paper