Hyperlocal Risk Monitoring and Pandemic Preparedness
Hyperlocal Risk Monitoring and Pandemic Preparedness through Privacy-Enhanced Mobility and Social Interactions Analysis
Table of Contents
This project develops a framework for hyperlocal risk monitoring and data-driven decision-making for pandemic preparedness. Such hyperlocal awareness can help governments and response officials at all levels with policy-making, e.g., opening in-person or online; closing or partially shutting down businesses; proactively reallocating medical supplies and medical workforces to more vulnerable areas, enabling better preparation and readiness for disease outbreaks. It can also benefit community members’ decision-making, e.g., avoiding high-risk areas. We use fine-grained mobility and social interactions data to better model infection spread. Furthermore, we use privacy-enhanced monitoring techniques to protect users’ privacy.

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Software Artifacts

Sepanta Zeighami
CS PhD Student, USC

Ritesh Ahuja
Graduated Aug/2022

Kameron Shahabi
CS Undergrad. Student, USC

John Krumm
Viterbi School of Engineering, USC

Gabriel Ghinita
CSE, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sina Shaham
CS PhD Student, USC
Principal Investigator

Cyrus Shahabi
Viterbi School of Engineering, USC