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CSCI 599 (Fall 2001)
Spatial and Temporal Databases

Course Summary Reading List Schedules Announcements
Project Reports Related Web Sites Academic Integrity Policy

Please read Announcements for important information regarding the course.


Dr. Cyrus Shahabi

     University of Southern California
Computer Science Department
SAL 300
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781

Office (PHE-410): (213) 740-8162
Lab (PHE-306): (213) 821-1739
Office Hours: Tue(1-2pm), Mon(3:30-4:30pm)


Wednesday, September, 5th, 2001

  1. The class is officially re-scheduled to Wednesdays at 3:30 to 6:20 in THH215.

Tuesday, August, 28th, 2001

  1. For D-Clearance come to the first session on Thursday August, 30th
  2. The class time will change to Wednesdays 3:30pm-6pm, we'll discuss this on the first day of class on Thursday August 30th.
  3. For the class on Wednesday, September 5th, please review following lectures from Spring CS585 series. The power point presentations for the sessions can be found here. session11,session12, session16.

Course Summary


Several applications in the areas of multimedia, geographical information systems, environmental information systems, and neuroinformatics require the storage and access of spatial and temporal data. Spatial data is the data representing objects in space with identity, well-defined extents, locations, and relationships. Temporal data is the data representing some aspect of time. Recent research in the spatio-temporal database community has been focused more on spatio-temporal data related to moving objects and concept of services for mobile object termed "M-Services". This seminar course covers several research papers related to (a) the ontology, structure, and representation of space and time, (b) the data models and query languages to represent spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal data, (c) techniques for efficient processing and evaluating queries on multidimensional data, (d) query processing algorithms, storage structures and indexing techniques, and (e) architectures for spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal Database Management Systems.

Each student should present several papers and complete one implementation project related to the spatial and temporal databases.

Time and Place



CSCI-585:Database Systems or equivalent

Reading List

We divide the topics of this seminar into four parts, introduction, query processing and data structures, indexing and data warehousing and data minning. Reading materials are composed of classic papers for these topics in spatial, temporal and moving object databases. Click Here to see the list of papers.

List of papers already reserved. Please check the date of your presentation in schedule below and be ready on that date with your presentation. You are suppose to bring your slides on a floppy disk to the class. Also, don't forget to email Snehal your presentations, so that we can put them on the web. You are suppose to talk about 45-60 minutes on the paper and answer any questions that students may have. Don't forget to read papers for class before they are presented. Every presenter should also ask several questions regarding the paper to the class before the presentation.

  • S3 - Shyam Kapadia
  • S6 - Vishal Asthana
  • S7 - Nimishkumar Parmar
  • T3 - Chen-Yu Wu
  • T4 - Chandan Kaku
  • T5 - Dharmen Shah
  • O1 - Chu Ying-Ming
  • O2 - Hong-Jiun
  • O4 - Shih-Chung Chang
  • O5 - Kiyoung Yang
  • M1 - Jayesh Sharma
  • M2 - Julide
  • M3 - Shamaila Saulat
  • M4 - Omer Ahmed Khan
  • M5 - Akash
  • M6 - Yu-Nin Shang
  • M7 - Jaeyeon Kang
  • M8 - Kristine Bairamian
  • M9 - Amit Patil

    Please select your paper from list of papers and send email to Snehal. Please keep in mind that all I need is your name and the paper you wish to present witht the paper number, i.e M3... Do not send your ssn or other information.


    Spatial Database
    Temporal Database
    Moving Object Database
    Course Introduction
    Introduction(spatial): S1,S2(webcast) (S1-presentation), (S2-presentation)
    Introduction(temporal): T1, T2 (webcast)(T2-presentation)
    Data Structures and Query Processing: S5, S4 (S4-presentation) (S5-presentation) Snehal
    Spatial Database/System Design: S3 Shyam , S6 Vishal
    Moving Object Introduction: M1 Jayesh,M2 Julide
    Moving Object Queries/Indexing: M3 Shamaila,M4 Omer
    Moving Object Query Processing: M5 Akash, M6 Yu-Nin
    Moving Object Query Processing: M7 Jaeyeon,M8 Kristine
    Spatial Indexing: S7 Nimish
    Temporal Indexing & Data Minning: M9 Amit,T3 Chan-Yu
    Temporal Data Minning: T4 Chandan,T5 Dharmen,T6
    Data Minning: O1 Chu,O2 Hong-Jiun,O3
    Data Warehousing and Minning: O4 Shih-Chung,O5 Kiyoung,O6
    Spatial Indexing: S7
    Temporal Indexing: T7
    Project Presentations
    Project Presentations
    Project Presentations
    Project Presentations
    Project Presentations
    Project presentations


    Related Web Sites


    Academic Integrity Policy

    Academic Integrity

    All homeworks must be solved and written independently, or you will be penalized for cheating. The USC Student Conduct Code prohibits plagiarism. All USC students are responsible for reading and following the Student Conduct Code, which appears on pp. 73-78 of the 1999-2000 SCampus.

    In this course we encourage students to study together. This includes discussing general strategies to be used on individual assignments. However, all work submitted for the class is to be done individually.

    Some examples of what is not allowed by the conduct code: copying all or part of someone else's work (by hand or by looking at others' files, either secretly or if shown), and submitting it as your own; giving another student in the class a copy of your assignment solution; consulting with another student during an exam. If you have questions about what is allowed, please discuss it with the instructor.

    Students who violate University standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the University. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students, and the University, policies on academic integrity will be strictly enforced. We expect you to familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity guidelines found in the current SCampus.

    Violations of the Student Conduct Code will be filed with the Office of Student Conduct, and appropriate sanctions will be given.