


MuSA.RT - Music on the Spiral Array - Real Time

A defining feature of tonal music is the unfolding of pitch structures over time. Real-time tracking of tonal patterns in music has widespread applications in music analysis, information retrieval, performance analysis and expression synthesis. Each piece of music consists of a sequential arrangement of notes that generates pitch structures over time. An expert listener is able to ascertain the keys and harmonic patterns traversed over time. But a novice or a computer would benefit greatly from a geometric model that can provide visual cues and numeric quantifying of these tonal properties.

MuSA.RT maps real-time MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) input, for example from a live performance, to the Spiral Array, a 3D model for tonality. The analysis and graphical rendering reveal the presently active set of pitch classes, and higher level constructs, such as the current chord and key.

Tech Summary
NSF Report (Year 7)
NSF Report (Year 8)